Focused on promoting collaboration, improving culture, retaining teachers and raising student outcomes.

Our mission is to make educator evaluations easier and more informative.

Our proprietary algorithms eliminate bias; empowering your school and district to make equitable data based decisions, plan individualized professional development opportunities, with built in time for reflective teaching and goal setting.

Saving your school and district time and money.



Let Facilitiv do the work for you!

ValuePeople: We value every member of our team and encourage their development.

Relationship: We believe in good relationships, to act with fairness and equity in all our dealings.

Excellence: We strive to always excel in everything we do.

Trust: We believe that trust and respect are essential for teamwork.

Integrity: We are committed to act with uncompromising honesty and a high standard of integrity in everything we do.

Service: To understand, determine and deliver what our customers want, with a high standard. of professionalism.

Facilitiv's Values

-Benjamin Franklin

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest

-Albert Einstein

See How It Works

S.T.R.I.V.E. not to be a success, but rather to be of value.