LMS platform for Educator evaluations


More about us

Facilitiv’s mission is to make educator evaluations easier and more informative. Our proprietary algorithms eliminate bias, empowering your school and district to make equitable data based decisions, plan individualized professional development opportunities, with reflective teaching and goal setting time built-in. Facilitiv was created to promote collaboration, improve culture, retain teachers, and raise student outcomes, all while saving time and money which can be put back into the classroom.

Let Facilitv do the work for you!

Saving Time and Money

Proprietary Algorithms

Equitable Data Based Decisions


- John Hattie, Visible Learning

Collective teacher efficacy (CTE) is one of the greatest influences on student achievement. It is greater than three times more predictive of achievement than student motivation and concentration, and engagement. 

- Programmed for International Student Assessment (PISA) under the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

The U.S. ranks 24th in reading and science, and 29th in mathematics.

- Stanford University

Students of teachers who left after one year suffered in terms of achievement gains.

- RAND Corporation

Nearly one-quarter of teachers indicated a desire to leave their jobs at the end of the school year (2022), compared with an average national turnover rate of 16% pre-pandemic.

- National Education Association (NEA)

The percentage of teachers choosing early retirement or a career change has gone up by 55% in the last 30 years. Up to 30% of new teachers are quitting their job within 5 years of teaching. High teacher turnover negatively affects student achievement.

- University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA)

Elementary school students who were subject to higher teacher turnover scored lower in subject areas such as math.